Why Is Product Vision Crucial to Your Product?
Here is why product vision is crucial to your product. Continue reading to know more about the topic.
What Is Product Vision?
Product vision is the core/vision of the product that you are building. It is the reason why your product exists.
Also, it is not just a feature list or a problem statement. It is the reason why your product exists and why it should exist.
So, it should be clear to everyone who is working on the project and should guide every decision that the team makes.
The level of detail should vary depending on the maturity of the product and the person who is delivering it.
The key point here is that the product vision needs to be communicated clearly to everyone involved in the project so that they know why they are working on this project and what they are going to build.
It also helps people to stay motivated about their work because they understand how their work contributes to achieving the goal of the product.
The Product Vision Defines What You Are Building, Not How You Are Building It
It is very important that your vision is not limited by your current technology, skills, or knowledge.
Otherwise, you will end up building something that will make sense today but will become obsolete very soon. And that is because you simply cannot predict what technology will look like in a few years from now.
This means that your vision should not be limited by how you are currently able to build it. Rather, it should be based on what you would build if you had an infinite amount of time and resources available.
How to Build a Great Product Vision
If you want to build a great product, then don’t focus on how well your product works today or how well others have done something similar in the past.
Instead, think about what could happen if you keep innovating for years from now. Then, challenge yourself to do things better than others have done in the past.
In other words, do not focus on the feature set or the feature checklist. Instead, focus on the core value that your product provides to your users.
In order to do that, you need to know what you are building before you start building it. This is where product vision comes into play.
So, it is important that you build your product vision before you start working on the project. Otherwise, you may end up building something that makes no sense in the long run after spending many hours and resources on it.
The best way to build a great product vision is by taking into account these three things.
- The Problem You Are Trying To Solve
- Value You Are Trying To Deliver
- What Mission You Are Trying To Achieve
Building a great product is not easy.
You need to know why you are building it, what problem it is going to solve, what value it is going to add to your users’ lives, and how it fits into your bigger mission.
Product vision is the core of your product. It tells you why you are building this product and what value it will add to the lives of your users.
And when you build a great product vision, you will be able to define and deliver a great product.