Diverse Types of Marketing Campaign-2 for Your Products
Diverse Types of Marketing Campaign-2. In this series of posts, we’ll go over what a marketing campaign is, how to create eight diverse types of campaigns for your business, and how to execute a successful marketing campaign.
Diverse Types of Marketing Campaign-2
2) Pre-launch Campaign:
Getting People Excited for Something That Doesn’t Exist Yet A pre-launch campaign may be used. Especially, when you’re planning to launch a new product or service. Your goal is to build up anticipation for the launch date.
Hence, getting people excited about your new offering before it’s available to the public. For example, you may create a website with information about what your new product can do. Or how it works, and why people should buy it.
You could set up a newsletter so that interested customers can sign up in advance. Further, to receive information about your product when it’s available for sale. Online advertising may be used as well as offline efforts like radio advertisements and billboards.
3) Cause-Related Marketing Campaign
Raising Money for Charities While businesses are typically concerned with increasing revenue and profits, there are times when businesses decide to donate some of their money or products toward a charitable cause. These campaigns are what we call cause-related marketing campaigns.
Because they focus on raising awareness of specific causes and helping organizations that work in these fields raise money.
An example of a cause-related marketing campaign might be if you decided to donate some of the money from every purchase of your product toward cancer research organizations.
Customers will be happy because they know their purchase is helping others through donations, while you’ll be happy because your donations will attract attention from potential customers who might have never heard of your company before.
There are many different types of causes that businesses can support through this type of marketing campaign, but one thing is for sure: customers love companies that give back!
4) Brand Awareness Marketing Campaign
Getting Your Name Out There One common type of marketing campaign focuses on raising awareness of a brand rather than of a specific product or service. This type of effort involves getting people talking about the company’s name or logo.
For instance, you might develop an ad campaign where your logo appears in many places, like on billboards and magazines, while also getting people to talk about your brand on social media.
You could also create an ad campaign with a catchy slogan and then get people to share this slogan on social media, creating a viral effect that helps raise awareness of your brand.
5) Viral Marketing Campaign
Getting People to Spread the Word Viral marketing campaigns rely on customers to spread the word about a company’s products or services. The idea is that if you create an ad or product that is interesting enough, people will want to share it with their friends, family members, and coworkers.
For example, if you create a funny commercial that you post online, viewers may want to send the link to their friends who will also find the commercial funny and want to watch it.
6) Publicity Campaign
Getting Free Media Coverage Another type of marketing campaign is a publicity campaign. This type of effort involves getting free publicity for the company’s products or services through various types of media outlets.
For instance, a company might sponsor a marathon and provide free food along the race route, which would generate positive publicity for the business and encourage people who run marathons to buy the company’s products in the future.
A business might also get free media coverage by creating an ad campaign. Hence, make it so unique that it gets picked up by news outlets and shared with other companies’ audiences.
NOTE: This is the second part of the three. Read on.