Implementation of a Successful Marketing Strategy
Implementation of a Successful Marketing Strategy. The process of translating plans into actions is what we call marketing strategy implementation. The optimal implementation method is straightforward and measurable.
At the level of marketing functions, programs, and policies, effective execution is necessary. Thus, include abilities in assigning, monitoring, and organizing, as well as interacting.
What is Marketing Strategy?
This is the plan for how you will meet and exceed the needs of your target market.
It is the core document that guides the marketing organization in focusing on strategic objectives. Also, managing the marketplace and understanding market offerings.
It has to be clear and concise. There should be a clear focus on what to do, how to do it, who will execute it, how to measure results and when you need to report progress.
The marketing strategy should address:
The company’s vision and mission. How you are going to develop new business or expand within existing markets? What you are going to do with existing customers (growth prospects)? And, What your product or service offering is? What your target customers are? How you will reach them? Target markets. Segmentation. Strategy Selective vs. mass marketing strategies. Segmentation strategies. Market penetration strategies. Market development strategies. Positioning Strategies. Product positioning strategies. Firm (brand) positioning strategy. Competitive strategies.Competitive analysis. Competitor assessment. Strategic alternatives. Strategic options SWOT Analysis. Cash flow analysis. Data sources of information for this analysis. Microeconomics. Demographics Psychographics Technology Organizational structure Marketing Mix 4 P’s: Product Price Place Promotion
What is the Marketing Strategy Implementation Process?
Strategy implementation is an ongoing process that starts with developing a strategy then continues through implementation and into continuous improvement of its components.
The process breaks down into distinct steps: Detailed Analysis Action Planning Deployment Execution
Detailed analysis
The first step of strategy implementation is to understand where you are currently and to clearly define where you want to go. You need to develop a clear understanding of your organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). This process will allow you to identify the specific changes you need to make in your business to achieve your objectives.
Action Planning
The second step in the process is planning the details of what you need to do. It is at this stage that you need to decide how you will achieve your objectives. You will also need to define exactly when each activity is to perform. And who will do it and how long it will take.
Detailed planning is critical because it gives everyone involved in the implementation of your strategy a clear understanding of what has been decided upon as well as what needs to be done.
Deployment Execution
The final step in strategy implementation is carrying out the activities necessary for achieving your plan.
You should begin by creating an implementation schedule that outlines each step in the process, identifies who will carry it out, when it needs to be accomplished and how much it will cost. This schedule provides a blueprint for fulfilling your objectives and allows management to track progress against their plans on a regular basis. The final step in implementing your marketing strategy is monitoring progress and making adjustments along the way where necessary.
Because marketing strategies are living documents that change over time, you will probably find that you need to make adjustments along the way as circumstances change or new opportunities or threats arise. Monitoring progress provides you with an opportunity for evaluating whether or not changes need to be made. In addition, monitoring progress can help you determine if changes that have already been implemented have been successful or if they have failed.