New Product Development Tips on Healthy Foods
New Product Development Tips on Healthy Foods. Most of the products in the market today are specifically made to appeal to children and teenagers, i.e. junk food and fast foods.
However, this doesn’t mean that there aren’t many health-conscious parents. Especially, those who want their children to eat healthy and nutritious food but can’t find such products in the stores.
Finding a way to introduce healthy food products for kids will be a good move. Because it will provide more options for parents who want their children to eat healthily.
• Introduce healthy burgers that are not flavored with sauces or cheese (these burgers will have a neutral taste). These burgers could have a combination of fruits, and vegetables. And other natural ingredients like nuts and grains as fillings, instead of meat.
• Introduce sandwiches that are packed with protein and other good ingredients but without processed meat. For example, meatballs made from ground beef and other wholesome ingredients). These sandwiches could also be served with other side dishes. Like fruit salad or pasta salad instead of potato chips or fries.
• Introduce fruit juice drinks served in designer bottles (or even plastic containers). Further, they look like carbonated soft drinks or energy drinks, but they will contain only fruit juice (no sugar added). These juice drinks could have interesting flavors. Maybe, like apple cola or orange cola (like regular colas but with fruit juice instead of soda).
• Introduce vegetable smoothies that are blended with milk and ice cream or yogurt. So, instead of fruit smoothies which appeal more to kids’ preferences. Again, these smoothies can be served in designer bottles just like soft drinks or energy drinks. But with different flavor combinations (e.g., celery-banana smoothies).
New Product Development Tips on Healthy Foods
Do a thorough analysis of the market
• Think outside the box!
Introduce healthy burgers that are not flavored with sauces or cheese (these burgers will have a neutral taste). These burgers could have a combination of fruits, vegetables, and other natural ingredients like nuts and grains as fillings, instead of meat.
Introduce sandwiches that are packed with protein and other good ingredients but without processed meat (e.g., meatballs made from ground beef and other wholesome ingredients).
These sandwiches could also be served with other side dishes like fruit salad or pasta salad instead of potato chips or fries. outIntroduce fruit juice drinks served in designer bottles (or even plastic containers) that look like carbonated soft drinks or energy drinks, but they will contain only fruit juice (no sugar added).
These juice drinks could have interesting flavors like apple cola or orange cola (like regular colas but with fruit juice instead of soda).
Introduce vegetable smoothies that are blended with milk and ice cream or yogurt (instead of fruit smoothies) which appeal more to kids’ preferences.
Again, these smoothies can be served in designer bottles just like soft drinks or energy drinks but with different flavor combinations (e.g., celery-banana smoothies).
People love eating out! According to a recent study by independent research consultancy firm Technomic Inc., approximately 90% of consumers eat out at least once a week and two-thirds prefer eating out to cooking at home!
This is good news for entrepreneurs looking to start up businesses that serve ready-to-eat meals. If you can develop new food product ideas for such a market, then you have a good chance of succeeding.