Porsche Digital Marketing Campaign Strategy
Porsche Digital Marketing Campaign Strategy. Porsche is a well-known automotive manufacturer that specializes in high-performance sports cars, SUVs, and sedans, as well as has a strong social media presence.
A Brief History of Porsche
Dr. Ing. h. c. F. Porsche AG (more commonly known simply as Porsche) is a German automobile manufacturer. He designs, engineers, manufactures, and distributes luxury performance automobiles. It is currently owned by Volkswagen AG, which is itself majority-owned by Porsche Automobil Holding SE (PSH). It was founded by Ferdinand Porsche (1875–1951), an Austro-Hungarian engineer born in Maffersdorf.
Porsche Marketing Mix
The marketing mix is a concept or framework in business and marketing. Further, that describes the combination of product, price, place, promotion, and distribution. Moreover, to target a market sector at a specific time.
Product is an important part of the marketing mix. It is what you want to sell that will give you profit. The product has to be something that people want and need. If it isn’t they won’t buy it. The product has to compete with other similar products in its field. The product also has to be priced right and sold through effective channels or distribution outlets.
Price is one of the 4 p’s in the marketing mix. So, price is probably the most important part of any marketing plan. Because if your prices are too high then no one will buy your product.
But if your prices are too low then you won’t make any money on them either. Price needs to be set at the right level so people will pay for your product but you still make enough money from it so that you can continue selling it at a profit.
The promotion element of the marketing mix is probably the most interesting. Promotion is used to tell people about your product, and to persuade them that they need it.
It’s hard to persuade people to buy something they don’t know about, which is why promotion is important. Promotional activities can vary considerably in scale and cost.
For example, they can be as simple as a newspaper advert or as complicated as an international marketing campaign involving public relations, direct mail, telephone selling, and personal selling.
The distribution element of the marketing mix describes how you get your product to the customer. Distribution channels are the means by which your customers receive your product, such as a store or an online marketplace.
Your distribution channels will depend on how you want to sell your products. Distribution is also about how you supply your product to the customer. The more efficient the distribution process is, the more competitively priced your products will be.
Porsche Digital Marketing Campaign Strategy
Porsche uses social media extensively on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest (amongst others) by harnessing their audience around their campaigns in order to build brand awareness and loyalty within their audience base and target market.
So, Porsche uses many different techniques in order to achieve this such as competitions, polls, user-generated content (UGC), contests and giveaways, etc…
Most of Porsche’s social media campaigns allow users to upload photos that have been taken with their vehicle or even videos of them driving their car or talking about it (this happens on all of their social media platforms).
Social media campaigns are now one of Porsche’s most effective ways of creating an emotional connection with its consumers because they are able to share their experiences with other people who have similar interests in cars or speed just like they do.
This kind of user-generated content makes it possible for Porsche to expand its reach globally because people from all over the world can contribute content to their social media platforms which creates even more exposure for Porsche and its overall brand image.