Product Marketing Process

What does the product marketing process look like? How can companies go about their process? If you want to know more, then this article is for you. So, read on.

Product Marketing Process

A product marketing process refers to a set of procedures that are followed to market a product. It is not a marketing plan and it does not include sales or promotional campaigns. The process involves:

  • Researching the market for what the customer wants
  • Finding out the possible solutions to their problems
  • Creating and developing new products or services
  • Make sure that the product is ready for marketing, i.e. it is working properly and is in good shape
  • Converting the prospect into a customer, i.e. selling the product to them by convincing them to buy it

There is no single process that fits every business. The process should be unique for each business because it depends on how your business operates. Then, you will have to put together your process according to your business’s needs, goals, and size.

Further, it is important to note that “product marketing” is different from “marketing”. While both deal with marketing products, they are different processes. Product marketing has to do with the creation and development of products. While marketing deals with promoting the product through various channels such as advertisements, billboards, websites, and press releases.

Product marketers have to be prepared for the change in their job at any time during their career as there are many changes in technology today as compared to yesterday. Therefore, they need a flexible attitude. So that they can adapt easily to changes in the market as well as changes in technology.

Product Marketing Process: How?

How, then, can companies start their process? Firstly, the need to understand how the process works. How should it be organized? How should it be set up? Then, how should you approach it?

The first step is to get your company to know what the product marketing process is. Then, you will have to know how to do it. And that is why you need an information guide that shows you how to organize the process. There are many examples of product marketing processes available online and in books, etc.

You are going to need a team of people. The team will include people from various departments such as finance, sales, engineering, customer support, and so on. You can even have outside experts in certain fields if needed.

Next, you need to research what the market wants and needs in terms of your product. This can be done by talking to the customers directly or by doing an extensive market survey.

Product development should follow after this stage of research and should be based on the feedback from the customers. The goals for developing the product should be focused on specific groups of people and their needs, not general statements about the product. 


So, if you are a product marketer, then this article will help you to know more about the product marketing process. You must understand the process and know exactly what to do at each step of the way. This will help you in your career.

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