Product Marketing Versus Product Management
This article will talk about product marketing versus product management. What are their differences and similarities? Let us find out below.
Product Marketing Versus Product Management
To begin, let us define each one. Product marketing refers to the process of promoting a product to buyers. Product management, on the other hand, refers to the process of managing a product.
We must know what the differences and similarities are between these two jobs. Here are where they overlap:
The following are the similarities between the two, both have to:
- communicate with customers.
- answer questions from customers.
- listen to customers’ feedback about products.
- understand customers’ needs and concerns about products.
- be able to build a relationship with customers
- make sure that products are high quality and supportable by the company (e.g., technical support).
Now that the similarities are settled, let us talk about how they differ:
Below are the differences between the two:
- Product management involves developing new products. While product marketing involves selling existing products. So they are different in terms of roles in their respective organizations.
- Then, marketing is a close part of sales while product management is not involved in sales. This is because sales involve communicating with customers. While developing products is all about developing new ideas without communicating with anybody else. That is until an idea is developed into a marketable product that can be sold (or marketed).
- The difference between both jobs becomes very apparent when you compare what their job descriptions say. For example, product management says “create new products” while product marketing says “sell existing products.”
- Further, marketing is involved in advertising and sales while management is not. This again is because marketing is a close part of sales while product management is not.
Product Marketing and Product Management: The Importance
What, then, is the importance of both? Firstly, companies need products to be sold to stay in business (profitability). If there are no products to sell, then, there would be no sales. So, product marketing plays an important role in keeping their company in business.
Now, let us talk about product management. Product management keeps the company competitive. This is because product management can help the company come up with new products that will give them an edge over its competitors.
Finally, products have to be managed by somebody, and that somebody is a product manager. Product managers make sure that all the processes of a product are done properly and efficiently. So companies need to have both marketing and management. This is so that their business can survive and remain competitive.
So, if you are looking for a job, it would be nice to know the difference between product management and product marketing. Once you know the difference, it will be easier to choose which job you want to apply for.
Then, if you are a product manager, you should know the importance of your job. Then, if you are a product marketer, you should know the importance of your job as well. So, now that you know the difference and importance of both jobs, you can choose which job to apply for.