Shakey’s Pizza Social Media Product Marketing
Shakey’s Pizza Social Media Product Marketing. Pizza is one of the world’s most popular dishes, and this is not a secret nor a debatable truth. This meal is thought to have originated in Italy and comprises a flat spherical dough foundation baked with sauce, cheese, meat, veggies, and other ingredients.
This essay is about Shakey’s Pizza, one of the pizza businesses that make pies that even non-pizza eaters will enjoy.
A Brief History of Shakey’s Pizza
Shakey’s Pizza was founded by Sherwood “Shakey” Johnson in Sacramento, California in 1954. Shakey’s Pizza became popular due to its unique style of pizza. The original Shakey’s Pizza became famous after a customer misheard the name “shake it.” This is why the restaurant was called Shakey’s Pizza and not “Shaky’s Pizza.”
Shakey’s Pizza started franchising in 1963 and then began nationwide franchising with its first franchise in 1967. It had many restaurants in the US but also expanded internationally with franchises in Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, and other countries.
In 1996, Shakey’s International Inc. sold off all of its restaurants to its rival Domino’s Pizza and became a solely-franchisee company. The company changed its name to Shakey’s Franchise Systems Inc. in 2001 and then to Shakey’s Inc. in 2007.
Shakey’s Pizza Social Media Product Marketing
It is very cost-effective because it uses the internet as its medium of communication. This medium is capable of reaching billions of users. Compared to traditional forms of advertising such as radio and television, the internet offers huge benefits for companies. One benefit is that it has a much wider reach than traditional advertising.
Secondly, it is much cheaper because companies do not have to pay for air time on TV or radio; all they need is an internet connection and they can reach millions of users. Lastly, social media marketing allows companies to target their potential customers based on demographics, interests, other websites they visit, etc. This way brands are able to create more relevant adverts that people are more likely to respond to.
More advantages
Another advantage of social media marketing is that it can be to generate sales leads. The first thing that companies need to do in order to generate sales leads with social media marketing is to create a Facebook page or a Twitter account for their brand.
From there they can post links to their product pages. Then, will generate sales leads because potential customers will be able to click on those links. Further, get information about the products they have an interest in.
Social media marketing gives companies the ability to connect with their customers on an intimate level which is not possible when using traditional advertising methods as previously mentioned in this essay.
This intimate level of connection allows brands and customers to build trust between them and make the company’s brand name known through word-of-mouth advertising. This method is particularly useful for small business owners who are just starting out.
Furthermore, social media marketing can be done by businesses without having any internet presence at all; therefore it’s a great way for businesses that cannot afford an online presence or perhaps do not want one.
It is because it provides too much information about their business strategy or private information about their businesses that they do not want competitors or potential future competitors knowing about.
By using social media marketing such businesses can still reach millions of potential customers worldwide by creating accounts specifically designed for social media marketing and then posting updates frequently which contain information.
It is about their products or services or any other information people may find interesting or informative enough so that people share it with their friends on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter.