The Framework for Product Marketing is Discussed
Framework for Product Marketing. Product marketing is fascinating. But a difficult field to learn since there are so many different ideas to grasp. Both inside and out in order to please your consumers, motivate your team, and maximize your productivity.
It covers all you need to know to traverse the product marketing journey from beginning to end…well, there isn’t one, is there?
We’ve deconstructed each of the gears for each of the five key stages: explore, strategize, define, get set, and grow, to provide you all the information you need to improve your grasp of critical issues as you and your team seek to create something genuinely remarkable.
What is a Product Marketing Framework?
When you hear the word “Product” you immediately think of software or apps. However, product marketing can be applied to pretty much any type of business or industry. Just think about the most successful companies and what they’re doing.
Apple is a great example. They market their products in a way that makes it seem as if their products are magical and will change your life for the better. That’s exactly how product marketing should be done!
It’s not just about selling a product anymore. It’s more about creating an experience that will make your customer feel as if they’re connected to your brand on a deeper level. Marketers must focus on building relationships with a customer, not just selling a product.
Product marketing also goes by other names such as product management, marketing management, and even sales management. The name may change but what stays the same is the goal: create a connection between the customer and your product.
What is a Framework?
This framework is designed to help you understand how product marketing works and how it relates to other parts of the business. It focuses on the customer, which is always the most important part of any business, whether you’re building software or selling breakfast cereal! With that said, let’s take a look at each stage of this framework.
Researching Requirements From Customers
In this stage, you want to find out what exactly it is that your customer wants from you as a company or individual. You’ll want to ask questions like: Why do they need this product? How do they want to use this product? What features do they want? And what don’t they want? What else do they need? How can I help them? It’s essential to ask questions and answer them. In order to get a strong grasp of what your customer is looking for.
Gathering Requirements From Potential Partners or Investors
This is a stage that many new entrepreneurs are unfamiliar with. Investors and partners have their own set of requirements. Hence, you must meet in order for them to invest in you and your company. It may seem like these requirements are very rigid and set in stone, but there is room for negotiation. This means that if you have a strong argument as to why your investors or partners should allow for certain changes. Then, it’s possible to persuade them into thinking about it. For example, if an investor wants a certain feature in the product and you explain why it isn’t feasible in the short-term, they may understand you can add the feature after 2-3 months. However, don’t be too pushy because this could backfire on you!