VP Product Design Salary
What is the VP product design salary? Read this study to have more knowledge about this title. As a result, it can help you to learn more.
What is the VP Product Design Salary?
VP Product Design Salary Average compensation for VP Product Design roles is $195K annually. This estimate is based upon 2,252 VP Product Design salary report(s) provided by employees or estimated based upon statistical methods.
When factoring in bonuses and additional compensation, a VP of Product Design at the company can expect to make an average total pay of $217K. See all VP Product Design salaries to learn how this stacks up in the market.
Stock Options and Equity
The most common way for a VP of Product Design to earn money is to receive a salary. A VP Product Design salary is based on the seniority of the employee. An experienced VP of Product Design will likely earn more than a VP of Product Design who has only been in the job for a short time.
Equity, or stocks and stock options, make up a bigger component of the compensation for a VP Product Design than for lower-level roles. A VP of Product Design will likely have the opportunity to earn equity and exercise stock options if they stay with the company for several years.
VP Product Design Job Listings
Every day, high-paying jobs are posted on the job boards. Read about open positions from employers like Univision Communications Inc, Yelp, and Chipotle Mexican Grill.
- Senior VP Product Design Compensation Median Compensation: $150K – $169K Total Compensation: $200K – $249K
- Senior VP Product Design Average Compensation: $150K – $169K Total Compensation: $200K – $249K
Company Size
The average VP Design salary varies some by company size. Employees who work for small companies ($1-$10 million
in revenue) earn the most at $169K annually.
The lowest paying companies for this career are small companies ($1-$10 million in revenue), paying an average salary of around $115K annually. The highest paying companies ($1 billion or more in revenue) pay the least at $145K on average.
The average VP Design salary for females is $151K per year. The average VP Design salary for males is $152K per year.
Educational Attainment
An experienced VP of Product Design will make the most money, although a VP Product Design with a Ph.D. will likely earn more than a VP Product Design who only has a Bachelor’s degree.
OPM found that the average VP Design salary for those with a Master’s or Ph.D. is $168K, while those with a Bachelor’s degree make $132K, and those with a high school diploma earn $88K.
VP Product Design: Job Duties
The job description of a VP Product Design can include, but is not limited to, the following:
- Defining the product or service specification
- Monitoring competitors and keeping a close eye on new technology trends
- Ensuring the product or service specification meets customer requirements
- Managing relationships with investors, customers, and suppliers
- Working with the sales team to make sure products or services are sold in a way that meets customer needs
A VP of Product Design can earn a base salary of $115K and have the opportunity to earn stock options, as well. The average VP Design salary is $169K per year.