What Is a Company’s Vision and Why Is It Important?
What is the company’s vision and why is it important?
A vision statement is a company’s expression of how it sees its future, and it can be used to drive the business.
It provides a goal and a framework for the company to follow to pursue goals. A vision statement is important because it sets goals for the company and gives employees a sense of what they are working for.
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The Truth About a Company’s Vision
Companies spend a lot of time developing their vision statements. They hire consultants, they throw parties, they get leadership involved.
The vision statement is supposed to incorporate what a company wants to achieve as well as what employees want to achieve.
But the reality is that most vision statements are ignored by employees. A company’s vision statement inspires no one and moves no one.
A vision statement is nice to have and it may inspire the leadership of a company, but it does not inspire or move its employees.
Why is that? Here are the top two reasons:
It’s not defined correctly
There is no correct way to define a vision statement because companies are different from each other and companies change over time.
But, most vision statements are not defined correctly that match their goals.
It’s not updated enough
Vision statements are rarely updated (only when there is a significant change in direction).
If your company’s vision statement has not been updated for a long time, it means that it does not inspire anyone anymore.
Why You Need to Have a Company Vision
Having a vision statement is important because it gives direction to the company.
It gives employees a sense of what they are working towards and what they need to do to achieve their goals.
Without a vision statement, employees feel that there is no direction in the company and that they are spinning their wheels. This leads to low morale within the company.
How to Write the Perfect Vision Statement
Here are six steps for writing a great vision statement:
- Write down everything that you want your company to be or do.
- Ask yourself why you want this to happen.
- Identify the most important reason for having this.
- Eliminate everything that does not align with your top goal.
- Start with the words “We will…” and finish with your goal.
- Show employees how their efforts contribute to the vision of your company.
Wrapping Up
There are many ways to create a vision statement for a company, but you need to make sure that it inspires everyone within the company.
It needs to align with the company’s goals and should be updated regularly. A great vision statement inspires everyone within the company.
What do you think? What is the best way to create a vision statement?
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